Bhagavad Gita

ಯಾವಾನರ್ಥ ಉದಪಾನೇ ಸರ್ವತಃ ಸಂಪ್ಲುತೋದಕೇ ।
ತಾವಾನ್ ಸರ್ವೇಷು ವೇದೇಷು ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣಸ್ಯ ವಿಜಾನತಃ ॥೪೬॥
yāvānartha udapāne sarvataḥ saṃplutodake |
tāvān sarveṣu vedeṣu brāhmaṇasya vijānataḥ ||46||

Gist of the sloka:
What benefit can be obtained from a well; the same can be obtained from mighty river. What, all Veda's provide, the same is obtained by the gynani.
Gynani means one who has understood the real, deeper meaning in the Veda's. He who is a gynani knows the inner deeper meaning of the Veda's and its real purpose. Gynani can only achieve this state once he has surrendered completely to the Lord and sought refuge in Him alone. At this state, the Veda's open up and reveal the true knowledge.
There is more and varied benefits from drawing the water from a flowing river than from a well. A Gynani who has understood the real meanings of the Veda similarly gets more benefit than a superficial reader of Veda's. For the superficial person would be satisfied with the rewards of worldly nature obtained from sacrifices, whereas the gynani would get benefits like self-realization and mukthi.
A Gynani is like a person next to the river, who sees Lord in everything and in all actions. The person who only sees the superficial meaning related to the karmas is like a person doing the sacrifice for the sake of sweat and smoke.
The sloka contains the word Brahmana. This does not indicate someone born in the brahmin caste but rather a person who has understood completely, the inner meaning of each letter, word, phrase, sloka and the text of Veda – or Brahman. For even individual letter denotes the Lord. The Veda's are only praising the Lord and nothing else. One who has understood the Veda's, has realized the Lord and is with Him always. Such a person has discovered the pearls of the Veda's.
There is another word mentioned in the verse – “sarwathaha soplumthodaka” meaning [vessel] full of water. Here the inner meaning references to the final dissolution state of the universe when everything is broken down to its atomic state. The water here refers to the universe filled only with atoms except for the Lord who floats on it – one is ever awake the Lord of the universe.
There is a bit of confusion here. On one hand Lord says do not demand specific result but every sacrifice mentioned in the Veda's mention about the rewards for performing it; mostly worldly in nature. How do we reconcile this?
Like we offer sugar candy to a child to make it swallow a bitter medicine [all for baby’s own benefit] so does the Veda's. Those who are just starting off, need an incentive to motivate them to read and understand the Veda's and its teachings. Such rewards are meant for those who seek quick rewards as motivation. Over a period of time, one realizes that Veda's has much more to offer than quick rewards. They then go deeper into the understanding of the Veda's and realize that it has paths to mukthi.